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Research, Development and Innovation (p&d)

Meet your needs in Research, Development and Technological Innovation with the high-level specialists at Vegoor!

The company's performance in R&D projects is conducted by high-level technicians and specialists, always led by PhD Helena Wilhelm, our Director of Research and Innovation.

With a 12-year history dedicated to the development of the electric sector, we offer a highly competent, agile and flexible infrastructure, active in all Brazilian electric parks. Adding to our divisions, we have labs and technology certified by the competent bodies. Our directors are scientists with constant academic and innovation performance - whose knowledge and skills are applied in bennefit of the success of our clients. In addition, we are permanent members of the studies by the Brazilian Electricity Committee (COBEI), the body responsible for technical standardization, along with ABNT, as well as active mebers of CIGRÉ D1 SC and IEEE. Our R&D department has many scientific papers presented in international events as well as published in recognized scientific magazines. Check our blog for the availables papers.

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